In January 1900 the Board of Governors consisting of John O Donnell M.P. Dominic Murtagh, William Doris, John Walsh, Patrick Higgins, John Davitt, of the then-St Marys Hospital, resolved that an architect and clerk of works prepare an advertisement to secure a contractor to erect a new chapel on the grounds of St Marys Hospital The architect appointed was Mr EK Dixon Architects and the Clerk of works appointed was Mr John Cotter. Mr Cotter’s rate of pay was £ 2.5.0 per week.

The Board of Governors appointed a contractor at their next meeting and on April 1900 Mr John Mulligan of Swinford Co Mayo was awarded the contract to build the new chapel provided that he agreed a deduction of £ 237.00 from the contract price be allowed as a result of using stone from St Marys quarry in lieu of the sandstone already specified for the face work. This proposal was accepted by the contractor.
The net sum then of the contract amounted to £3400.00 to cover all works specified in the bill of quantities including the seating. The Board of Governors approved the foregoing at their meeting in September 1901.

It was stated that the date of completion of the chapel was due to expire on the 14th of August 1901 and a further extension of four weeks was approved by the Board of Governors. They again extended this date from the 11th of January 1902 to the 1st of April 1902.
At a meeting on the 7th May 1902, Me E k Dixon Architect requested of his fees in the sum of £ 50.00 which were overdue be paid to him. He went on to give a progress report on the construction of the chapel. The chapel was completed on the 13 the September 1902 and the keys were handed over to the board of Governors. The first mass and the consecration were held on 8th October 1902.
Religious services for the patients from the former St Marys Hospital and the Castlebar community continued from 8th October 1902.
The Church was deconsecrated at the final mass held on the 31st July 2014.